Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Chewy.com review with the Beaglebratz

Bak on January 19th,  there wuz this blog hop fer Chewy.com
(c that pikchure up above)
co-hosted by 
Sugar The Golden Retriever
Oz The Terrier

butt az uzual our mom coodn't help us link up tue it then.
Sooooo, we Beaglebratz r duin'it now cuz 
that blog hop linky iz open til 
the end of January.
Shortly after mom got the email frum Ms Sydney at Chewy'n
discussin'it with us,
mom let Ms Sydney know that this toy wuz 
ONE of OUR choicez fer January. 
Outward Hound Kibble Drop Puzzle Dog Toy
Hey - hound iz a part of the name'n
we r Houndz so it must've bin made fer us Beaglebratz!

Ok mom - I, Lady Shasta, did the hard part of gittin'it outta the Chewy box, now u gotta git the puzzle toy outta it'z box.

In this pikchure, Lord Shiloh givez u
a better idea of what this puzzle toy lookz like
(an'after stealin'it frum ME, Lady Shasta, he also
showz u how even hiz big snout it werkz).

I, Lady Shasta, TRIED tue x-plain tue him (in a nise way) 
that this new puzzle toy wuz fer BOTH of us
BUTT az u can c-
I finally had tue git ruff!
A lady can only take so much doncha know.

Ah ha - FINALLY!
Now I can show the world that there iz just az
much brain tue this lady az there iz beauty. 

Both of us LOVED this puzzle toy an'we give it
a total of EIGHT PAWZ UP!!!

Our mom loved it b-cuz it iz made of a sturdy plastic that
even when we Beaglebratz started pushin'it around,
it didn't crack an'it didn't tip over.  
Also she liked how we cood smell the treatz butt
still hadta figure out how tue git tue'em.
(Even old man Lord Shiloh cood figure that out).

DISCLAIMER - we were sent the Outward Hound Kibble Drop Puzzle Toy
  in exchange for our honest opinion-
no other compensation was involved.


easyweimaraner said...

that's acool toy when we can't play outside in that cold weather... pawfect to chase winter blues and cabin fever away :o)

Unknown said...

I love a good puzzle toy and it seems like that one is a good one! Boy, you two can really fight over something if you both love it, huh? Glad you are having fun with your new toy.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We just loved the Drop Toy!! Arty is still perfecting how yo use it!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have seen this toy on other blogs but i have to say the two of you spruce it up and make it even more fun to look at.. we just placed our first order at chewy, but it was for joint pain chews that Dory swears by

C.L.W.STEP said...

That looks like tons of fun!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WE kinda like that not ALL the Posts fur CHEWY.COM pop up on the same day...
OMD isn't that a super duper toy... it is GRAND to do on a Rainy or Snowy day when we can't get Outside and have any Fun..
WE gotted OURS from Chewy.com... like 87 months ago... and it Still looks like NEW... beclaws it is even WASHABLE... Isn't THAT cool Drool... We love OURS TOO!!!
Excellent Review Shasta..

Murphy said...

We have seen that this is a big hit with the pups of Blogville!

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

Sharon said...

That's some toy! We'll have to check up on that.

Brinley Westie said...

Looks like a fun toy.... it gives fud!! Whut more could ya want?

Millie and Walter said...

We've seen lots of our friends reviewing this super fun toy. You are so lucky to have gotten it to play with.

The Oceanside Animals said...

loooooottttt!!!!! ok bye