Sunday, May 20, 2018

HAPPY #NationalRescueDogDay

Ok - so ferst, it iz me - Lady Shasta'n no, I am not the dog in this house that wuz rescued.
Fer sum weird reezon like only my mom haz,
she sed that Miss Maizie shood 
do this speshal blog post b-cuz today iz

Well x-cuze me butt I bin here longer'n
she gotza do her gotcha day post.
B-sidez, Iza dog too!
Just cuz mom gotz me aza little baby NOT a rescue duz
that make me any less speshal?
Ok - so here iz our rescue that mom callz my sissy
(who stealz MY food sumtimez'n toyz'n chewiez)

 Miss Maizie

(DO NOT steal the food rite outta my mouth)

(girl, u gotz sum funny smell goin'on)

 (Um MOM!  I don't know'bout this sissy stuff)

(Hey, this iz MY chewie - I FOUND it)
(Ok - well may-b a sissy can b a good thing,
espeshally when that sissy iza rescue.)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy rescue day, so glad your mama rescued you. and it is good to see you and your sissy looking so sweet and loving.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello beagles its dennis the vizsla dog hay maizie as wun reskyew dog to another happy reskyew dog day!!! beeing reskyewd shoor is a wunnerful thing isnt it??? ok bye

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Rescue Day Miss Maizie. We are a couple of rescues too and we know how lucky we are.

Kinley Westie said...

Happy Rescue Day Maizie!

Sheltie Times said...

Happy Rescue Day.

C.L.W.STEP said...

We're glad you both have a good home and you've got each other!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy rescued dog dat Maizie! We are all rescues too!