(We got this award a while ago so
I am going to let the
Beaglebratz have the blog today so
they can tell you all about it)
Thanx mom-
Akchully, we got this a few weekz ago BUTT
there iz just wayyyy so much goin'on in Blogville
rite now.
(Not tu menchun that our mom iza
tad lazy sumtimez when
it comez tu helpin'us post)
chose tu give this award tu us,
we wuz really surprized-
BUTT this award carriez a few rulez with it
an'since we r the
Secretariez of Social Networking,
we du haf a duty tu uphold thoze rulez.
1. Copy and paste the award on our blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
3. Pick our five favorite blogs, with less than 200 followers and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
4. Hope that the five blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs.
Ok, so here r the 5 blogz
(not easy at all to limit it to just 5
altho less than 200 followers did narrow it a bit)
a couragus an'handsum Beagle boy whooze furmily
haz bin hit hard with that dreaded "c" diseaze-
there r sum strugglez there-
sum r doggy an'hoomin.
2. Jess'n Glacier frum
well what can we say x-cept
they r hostin'the HOOGE
Blogville Valentine's Day Pawty
an'it iz fer a great cauze.
Not tu menchun that tu our mom-
kinda an inspirin'blogz.
Oh an'Mr. K with Roscoe r there tu.
iz 'boutz one of our
nu-est Blogville rezidentz-
Blu the Doxie.
Mom sez this iz anuther one
of thoze inspirin'blogz.
Ya'see, Blu hurt hisself an'now
he can't walk after hiz surgery.
So, hiz pawrentz r gittin'him
a new set of wheelz.
If u haf not stopped by
Blu'z blog then
u shood git on by there.
4. We haf anuther, kinda nu furrend'n
that iz Luna the Beagle over at
She iz kinda young pup who
livez in Australiz with
her 2 dadz'n they haf lotsa fun
an'sumtimez we git tu c
Luna duin'nu stuffz she haz lerned.
She iz 1 smart doggy fer
bein'so young.
5. Ok, we iz down tu the last BUTT
Cindy Lu over at
We haf a confeshun tu make-
we seldom haf a chance tu
comment over there (butt then
we don't haf time tu leave
tu many commentz ANYWHEREZ) BUTT
we du haf time tu read it'n
there iz sum real
interestin'stuff there-
stuffz'bout puppy millz'n
her most recent post 'bout the
World's Ugliest Dog Contest in
Petaluma, California.
An'ya just never know when
she mite b duin'a
This wuz anuther post 'bout the
Ugliest Dog Contest
she did a few dayz ago.
By the way,
in case u hazn't herd this b-4,
Liebster iza German werd that meanz
dearest, beloved, or favorite.