Us Beaglebratz haf noticed sumthin' else tu - Mister Sun haz not bin vizitin'here much at all since we gotz all that snow. When mom gotz home frum werk yesterday, she let us out so we cood see that old Mister Sun but he didn't stay much after that - he vizited a wee little bit tuday but not long. Mom sed it haz bin tu weekz since he haz bin here much. Maybe like Dennis the Vizsla sed and Mister Sun got recalled buy the manufacter like the snow or Jack sed maybe the squirrelz ate the snow. Cood that be what happened tu Mister Sun tu? If it wuz the squirrelz then maybe it iz time sum
of us went on an undercuver mission tu find out what'z up woth them. We'll keep a watcu fer them squirrelz around here - make shure they ain't plannin' anythin'.
It might be the squirrels because I haven't seen any around here in a long time. They may be massing near your town for an all out assault!!
I wouldn't put anything past those rotten tree rats. Something needs to be done. I'm just sayin'.
I had good chase after one of our squirrels today. I almost had the little guy...
Woofs and Wags,
I hope it was not squirrels, because they can't replace stuff like manufacturers do when they recall their products.
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