Friday, January 1, 2010

Sorry this iz late - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Mom stayed home with us on Nu Year'z Eve - kinda quiet evenin' fer us.  Here r sum pikchurez of our evenin'-

(U kin bigefy theze pikchurez)

Shasta Beaglebrat - Then mom d-cided I needed tu share-

Shasta - az u kin see, I wazn't shure about this.

All this playin' wore us out-

An'that iz what we kept duin'most of tuday-

And now we r goin'tu bed.


Scooter said...

looks like playing together is lots of fun and tiring too. I am all about getting the proper rest for the day/night, lol

Happy New year

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Grrrrreat way to get the new year off to a good start. I see you did some "singing" about the sharing thingy. hehehe. Wish I could have heard the words... OR... maybe NOT. I'm just sayin'.