Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just a quik second post fer tuday

We just wanted tu show u'all sumthin'-
We found this pikchure of r stockingz -
notice anythin' odd 'bout them?  They are EMPTY!  We realize it ain't Christmas yet but we really hope they haf stuff in them on Christmas morning.
Now, we also found sumthin else-

It wuz EMPTY tu!  
Of course, mom haz tu turn everything intu a photo op -
Where did this come frum - did Santa Pawz stop by here when we wuz nappin'?
Speakin' of nappin' - we iz goin' tu bed now.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Shiloh and Shasta, Don't worry. Santa Paws will fill everything up. IF... you don't give out some of your Beagle Barks when he comes in to do his work. SHHHHH I'm just sayin'.

JacksDad said...

You should let your mom take as many pictures as she can!!!