tu du r Camera Critters 85 post'n one fer Pet Pride Then , since today IZ Thursday, gonna du Dogs on Thursday tu. We r sooooooo thankful that we r living with r mom. We reed 'bout how bad it kin b out there for doggiez an' sum of r friendz went thru sum bad timez b-4 they got tu their forever familiez - we no how fortunate we were. We hope u will reed r adoptshun storiez - they follow this post'n there are lotz of pikchurez.
ps - We fergot tu say how thankful we iz fer all the furiendz we r making here in the blog community'n thankful tu mom fer lettin' us take over here.
Woof! Lots to be grateful for ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Happy Thanksgiving, beagles!
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